
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2016

The Survival Guide To Ich

(AKA How to Treat Ich or White Spot Disease in Freshwater Fish) Top Takeaways Ich is one of the most common freshwater fish diseases.  Ich comes from new fish and plants. It takes 2 weeks to eradicate it. Some of your fish may die anyway, depending on their immune system and how early you catch it. What is Ich? Freshwater ich, also known as ick or white spot disease, is one of the most common diseases in freshwater aquarium fish. It looks like little white spots or grains of salt covering your fish's body. Other symptoms include frayed fins and tail, respiratory distress, low appetite, and "itchy" skin (fish rubs against tank walls and ground). What Causes Ich? Your fish is infected with a parasitic protozoan called  Ichthyophthirius multifiliis . It goes through a multi-stage life cycle: The protozoan attaches to your fish, forms a white protective cyst, and begins feeding. Once it matures, it bursts through the cyst wall, falls to the ground, and

The Survival Guide To Betta Fish

(AKA What Do I Need to Know About Betta Fish Care?) Betta fish, also known as betta splendens or Siamese fighting fish, are incredibly popular with both first-time pet owners and and long-time fish lovers. While they're known for their vibrant colors, long flowing tails, and interesting personalities, most people don't know that bettas need more than a bowl to live in and pellets to eat. Follow this straightforward FAQ-style guide to owning a happy and healthy betta! Question: What Do I Need for My Betta Fish? Check out this shopping list of necessities for your betta fish: Tank: Your betta fish tank size should be a minimum of 3 to 5 gallons. A simple rule of thumb for small freshwater fish is 1 gallon of water per 1 inch of fish, and bettas grow to about 2.5 inches long. Also, the aquarium needs a lid/hood because bettas are suicide jumpers. (FYI PetSmart carries their own merk called the Top Fin 5.5 Gallon Aquarium Starter Kit that comes with a lighted hood, filter, ne

New Season, New Hobbies

I've always been a collector of new hobbies. I think it's because my parents were immigrants and they were fascinated by this American idea of "extracurricular activities." In their country, getting good grades was everything, so their days consisted of going to school, attending after-school classes for more tutoring, and then returning home to eat dinner and do homework. They never got to do anything! So once I was born in the United States, they signed me up for every type of class imaginable. One year of ballet and tap dancing, one year of gymnastics, summer camps for art and science, team sports like soccer, music lessons like piano, public speaking and second language classes on weekends, etc. Because of my parents' enthusiasm for making sure I was well-rounded, I developed a lifelong love for trying new things. As a child, I collected stamps, did cross stitching, and owned a parakeet. In high school, I listened to musicals, competed in science fair, and j